مواصفات الزوج الذي أرغب الإرتباط به :I am someone that i will love and respect for the rest of my life, someone that i can call my own that i will give all my life and he will take good care of me and love me for who i am and not for what i am and i promise that we will fly without wings a nice and simple lady that have so much love for children and fear of GOD and i believe that i will find
بالنسبة إلى نفسي :I am someone that i will love and respect for the rest of my life, someone that i can call my own that i will give all my life and he will take good care of me and love me for who i am and not for what i am and i promise that we will fly without wings a nice and simple lady that have so much love for children and fear of GOD and i believe that i will find
هل ترغب بإرسال رسالة إلى cruzdela009
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